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James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

FAP Support
3 messages

Foothill AIDS Project <info@fapinfo.org>Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 2:59 AM
Reply-To: info@fapinfo.org
To: "TheDeliveranceOfTruth-FoothillAidsProject@fuckeduphuman.net" <TheDeliveranceOfTruth-FoothillAidsProject@fuckeduphuman.net>

Hello The Deliverance Of Truth —- Why Don't You Bring Forward That Truth?,

Thank you so much for contacting us.

Your message is being reviewed. The best FAP team member for your inquiry with contact you within the next day or so.

Kind regards,

Marizta Tona,
Executive Director
Foothill AIDS Project (F.A.P.)
T: (909) 482-2066
F: (909) 482-2070

Like FAP on Facebook: www.facebook.com/foothillaidsproject
Follow FAP on Twitter: www.twitter.com/foothillaids

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Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 3:26 AM
To: info@fapinfo.org

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 12:00 AM
Subject: FAP Support - Deliverance of Truth
To: <info@fapinfo.org>


This message is for the FAILED CASE MANAGEMENT ATTENTION OF MICHAEL RAY MAYNARD and JENNIFER ANNE BREHME.   If they have not recently performed a google search on their full names, perhaps they should.

This is one again communications from your Deliverance of Truth Advocate, the Client that you deceived, the client that you have put through over a full year in delay against bringing resolve to that I describe is a hate paradigm in the interface of the Ryan White Care Act social services agencies and clients.  This problem is showing as a systemic problem nationally region to region, and Foothill Aids Project is among a set of Ryan White Care act agencies that are the worst of the worst, in that there is no resolve or response of responsibility from your side of an informational warfare response to what occurred to me.  This ain't right, and you all know it too. 

In the case of you there at Foothill Aids Project, that I have personally experienced the interface you offered, these definitions are defined on our informational society.

You are included in full addresses to the public and the admin of Ryan White Care Act Agencies at the following URLs: 

You should become aware that my very own doctor at the @BorregoHealth center that Michael Maynard referred me to also detached services for he was not willing to bring forward into our treatment clarity is that my tweets to the CDC HIV Director were not acknowledged by local health even though @BorregoHealth themselves has a twitter account.  What a crock of shit and hypocrisy.  What a crock of shit.  In that logic, I have no doctor in HIV care and is one of the reasons why I must return to services to get a new doctor.  But this time it will have a stipulation that the contentious reasoning why you have to hide in the shadows of a hate interface between clients must be acknowledged in my HIV treatment care.  If you do not do this, you are breaking all kinds of moral lines and ethical duties to hide and hold a conspiracy.

I realize at the time of this writing, that the grand wizard puppeteer that has been my adversary for over 10 years in a non-ending hate influences detriment to my health has been currently installed director of HIV prevention and treatment of Director HIV CDC Doctor Johnathan Mermin [ twitter: @DrMerminCDC ] and I have not yet assigned him the same key as I have with my former doctor in Denver [ http://doctor-nancy-ellen-madinger.fuckeduphuman.net ] who witnessed both the events of harassment, detrimental health outcomes, and the events that transpired on a call recording that got two staff members embedded in the ID [ infectious Disease ] Unit of @Uchealth terminates due to the extreme bias involved.  I take it that you do not care or you care but not willing to step forward and be counted against what I have been through because you condone this hate paradigm against clients.  It would be apparent by the Google Reviews on file for Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino that the truth about what has been installed in the Ryan White Care Act Social Services Field Industry is the absolute wrong mechanics to prevent HIV/AIDS infections in our communities, and you know it. 

Foothill Aids Project
670 N. Arrowhead Avenue, Suite A-B, San Bernardino, CA

Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with contempt and umprofessionlism.


If you want to turn over a new leaf and do something positive for the community, may even have Aaron Jacobson at my request remove this Google review on account after I remove the information society hooks in your name [ individually ], you know where you must come to face to face apologize.

3260 Grande Vista 
San Bernardino CA 92405

BTW:  This is the Google Business Site Page for Colorado Health Network aka Denver Colorado Aids Project --- do you really think this contentious matter is being overlooked by the public?

I say not.  More to the point, the CDC has hit hard with the correct messaging on the flip side --- about the 90 90 90 targets and the U=U paradigm that you have been so wrong to not be focused in on these solutions.  This brings me to bring you one last community peace building message.  Since Michael Already Was Given We Are As Sick As Our Secrets Bridge Recovery Center for Addictions.... you all are following an insane paradigm of irrational mindedness --- you all are following the devil at work. Untrue, Untrue, Untrue, Untrue,  The World is Not Flat Untrue even though you hold onto that non-truth when it requires this grand of a shifting paradigm to bring rational reasoning why you hold a hate paradigm in the first place.

[http://foothillaidsproject.jennifer-anne-brehme.michael-ray-maynard.community.gruwup.net/11: Stanton Peele, A Wild View on Substance Drug Addictions, We Need to Normalize Drug Use In Our Society -- Oct 2014 ]

It is now 2019.  When are you going to listen to reason?   When are you going to stop your hate?

[Quoted text hidden]

Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 3:26 AM
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Real Up Human [.net]" <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
To: info@fapinfo.org
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2019 00:26:05 -0800
Subject: Re: FAP Support
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 12:00 AM
Subject: FAP Support - Deliverance of Truth
To: <info@fapinfo.org>

[image: image.png]

MAYNARD and JENNIFER ANNE BREHME.   If they have not recently performed a
google search on their full names, perhaps they should.

This is one again communications from your Deliverance of Truth Advocate,
the Client that you deceived, the client that you have put through over a
full year in delay against bringing resolve to that I describe is a hate
paradigm in the interface of the Ryan White Care Act social services
agencies and clients.  This problem is showing as a systemic problem
nationally region to region, and Foothill Aids Project is among a set of
Ryan White Care act agencies that are the worst of the worst, in that there
is no resolve or response of responsibility from your side of an
informational warfare response to what occurred to me.  This ain't right,
and you all know it too.

In the case of you there at Foothill Aids Project, that I have personally
experienced the interface you offered, these definitions are defined on our
informational society.

http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net :
http://jennifer-anne-brehme.fuckeduphuman.net :
http://michael-r-maynard.fuckeduphuman.net :

You are included in full addresses to the public and the admin of Ryan
White Care Act Agencies at the following URLs:







You should become aware that my very own doctor at the @BorregoHealth
center that Michael Maynard referred me to also detached services for he
was not willing to bring forward into our treatment clarity is that my
tweets to the CDC HIV Director were not acknowledged by local health even
though @BorregoHealth themselves has a twitter account.  What a crock of
shit and hypocrisy.  What a crock of shit.  In that logic, I have no doctor
in HIV care and is one of the reasons why I must return to services to get
a new doctor.  But this time it will have a stipulation that the
contentious reasoning why you have to hide in the shadows of a hate
interface between clients must be acknowledged in my HIV treatment care.
If you do not do this, you are breaking all kinds of moral lines and
ethical duties to hide and hold a conspiracy.

I realize at the time of this writing, that the grand wizard puppeteer that
has been my adversary for over 10 years in a non-ending hate influences
detriment to my health has been currently installed director of HIV
prevention and treatment of Director HIV CDC Doctor Johnathan Mermin [
twitter: @DrMerminCDC ] and I have not yet assigned him the same key as I
have with my former doctor in Denver [
http://doctor-nancy-ellen-madinger.fuckeduphuman.net ] who witnessed both
the events of harassment, detrimental health outcomes, and the events that
transpired on a call recording that got two staff members embedded in the
ID [ infectious Disease ] Unit of @Uchealth terminates due to the extreme
bias involved.  I take it that you do not care or you care but not willing
to step for
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